Supplication in islam The word supplication is “Duaa’a” or prayer, which means asking for help. In addition, invitations or prayers mean texts that express requests to submit to God orally or in writing . In Islamic literature, it refers to the slave’s admission of his weakness in the face of God’s glory. According to the prepositions used in the Arabic language, this also means making a person a blessing or a curse.

purpose of Supplication

Since the primary purpose of prayer or Supplication is to present the condition of man to God and pray for him.  Supplication means dialogue between the servant and God.  God informed man of his existence, and man felt the need to communicate with someone higher than him.

As a result of this connection, prayer is a means of dialogue that aims to compensate for one’s needs and shortcomings on the one hand.  on the other hand it is important to reach a more perfect state. But Supplication is a bridge that a finite, and helpless being builds with one who has unlimited and unlimited strength. For this reason, people have not shied away from prayer at any point in history.

Although supplication and worship appear to be an orientation of man towards God by nature. According to religious texts, we should regard supplication and worship as a lively relationship and communication between God and man in which the will of God’s mercy and compassion prevails.

Allah wants his servant to apply to him in any way to answer him. The reason for this may be a feeling of satisfaction from being in awe or blessing arising from the observation of the being. As well as the need and fears that make people press, or the regret for a bad deed. The feeling of guilt gains importance because it allows people to understand their defects, weaknesses in front of Allah.

Supplication requirement

Although it is not a requirement for the acceptance of supplication, some formal elements have been observed in practice. These are mostly related to the time, place, and forms of supplication. Although supplication can take place everywhere, special places of supplication have been designated in various religions throughout history. The supplication in these places would be more effective.

Aside from temples built for the purpose of performing supplications and praying with the congregation, places where the divine power was manifested in various ways, were also famous as places of supplication. Although supplication can be performed at any time, care has been taken to choose certain times to be healthier.  Many verses contain verbs from the origin of supplication. In these verses, supplication and its derivatives appeared the meanings of the  asking God for a blessing, by expressing his desires, needs, and seeking assistance.  The remembrance of Allah and taking shelter in Him will lead to many  benefits and rewards.

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Forms of supplication

Supplication is the basic element in human activity in the worship of God. In Islamic literature, the term supplication in general acquired a wide content that expresses the different aspects of this element that are described in different concepts. The religious content of this concept becomes apparent when looking at the act of supplication with its interpretations we used together.

Accordingly, supplication means that the servant desires something from God, asks God,  and remembers him.  The slave turns to God for something or to God under the influence of the circumstances in which he lives. In this case, the concept of supplication means remembrance, glorification, praise, prayer, thanksgiving, repentance, and forgiveness.

It forms the general framework for the appearance of supplication in order to get rid of difficult and troubled situations, and not to be exposed to bad situations. The person remembers God, acknowledges the sincerity of his weakness and his faults, and asks him for help. The desire to get rid of the bad situation leads him to regret what he committed sins and mistakes, cleanse his heart, praise God and glorify him. Sometimes he expresses his satisfaction because he got rid of troubles and received blessings and comfort (thank you, Al-Hamad, Al-Sanaa).

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Supplication sometimes becomes an expression of feelings of admiration. That occur within a person who deeply takes into account the arrangement and aesthetics of nature, feels absolute perfection, beauty and reality.

Importance of Supplication

In psychoanalysis, supplication is a general spiritual mechanism we must use to invoke divine assistance. But it expresses people’s natural attraction to their Creator and the desire to approach. Supplication is the attraction of the mind towards the immaterial world, and sometimes the ascension of the soul to God. Also, the expression of love and worship for God who creates the miracle.

While trying to describe supplication, Supplication and thought differ from one another. Supplication and worship expressed the deep longing and devotion that a person feels for finding an answer in the dreadful silence of the universe.

The general psychological mechanism of the human being to supplication in despair and in difficult circumstances is important state. Some verses explained the religious orientation or situations in which supplication appears.. It is also evident that this approach exists as an inherent and universal element of human nature. But the heavenly religions aim to ensure that man must  remember the God, especially in situations of prosperity and comfort. So that they do not fall into selfish desires under the control of this belief. The fact that supplication is an obligation that we must  perform at certain times of the day. It aims to ensure the continuity of belief in God in human consciousness.

In this case, supplication becomes true trust; In other words, all the necessary ways of solving or preventing a problem are investigated with the calm and power provided by relying on Allah. It is expected from Allah that the result will be good. Generally, when a person feels that his mind and power are not sufficient in understanding and organizing complex life events, although knowing he takes the necessary measures, he enters anticipation in prayer and leaves the result of the work to Allah.