Religious tourism

Religious tourism

Religious tourism is a different kind of tourism that started to grow rapidly these days. Some people called it spiritual trips and faith tourism....

Rituals of Hajj and Umrah

Rituals of Hajj and Umrah

Hajj and Umrah are very important types of pilgrimage in Islam. Umrah allows you to visit the grand mosque in Mecca and the prophet's mosque in...

Quran Explorer foundation

Quran Explorer foundation

It is a website and foundation developed on October 1, 2005, on the East Coast, Southern US. This website's purpose focuses on making the Quran...

Digital Quran online

Digital Quran online

Reading the Holy Quran online or from the Mushaf is an obligatory duty in Islam. Muslims also are asked to understand every single word to recognize...

Who will enter Jannah first?

Who will enter Jannah first?

How can I earn Jannah? Who will enter Jannah first? How to get a place in Jannah besides our beloved prophet? A lot of questions are asked mon...

How can I enter Jannah?

How can I enter Jannah?

What makes Allah happy? Muslims think all the time "how can I enter Jannah?" and this happens when you worship Allah because you love him. When you...

Sunnahs of prayer

Sunnahs of prayer

What is the obligation of prayer? Muslims pray for Allah five obligatory prayers and sunnahs of prayer. Prayer is one of the essential five pillars...

the best time for prayer

the best time for prayer

Why do Muslims pray 5 times a day? Before we start to talk about the best time for prayer, we should understand why we are praying. Allah sent us...


Al-Quran World is online quran school to learn Holy Quran and Arabic Language through online one-to-one live sessions.

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Religious tourism

Religious tourism is a different kind of tourism that started to grow rapidly these days. Some people called it spiritual trips and faith tourism. Although it is not a new type of traveling, it just wasn't as popular as nowadays. This type of tourism aims to enhance...

Rituals of Hajj and Umrah

Hajj and Umrah are very important types of pilgrimage in Islam. Umrah allows you to visit the grand mosque in Mecca and the prophet's mosque in Al-Madinah freely at any time. Hajj is the fifth pillar in Islam and it has only one specific timing every year. Although...

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Quran Explorer foundation

It is a website and foundation developed on October 1, 2005, on the East Coast, Southern US. This website's purpose focuses on making the Quran access available for everyone, by all means. It provides a Quran portal or Apps with index and Tafseer to help Muslims...

Digital Quran online

Reading the Holy Quran online or from the Mushaf is an obligatory duty in Islam. Muslims also are asked to understand every single word to recognize the orders of Allah and how to live well, then win the Jannah after death. But, in addition, you must know that this...

Who will enter Jannah first?

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